Whether male or female, you need to develop trust in the mechanic and repair shop you choose to do business with. Some basic things that are needed to remember when starting out with a new repair shop or even your long time go to shop.
Always ask to see the old part compared to the new part if possible. If you know in advance the part that is being replaced, mark it if you can get to it.
Ask for a price in advance for everything they offer to do. This way there are no surprises. Take someone with you that understands vehicles and general vehicle repairs. This way you can get a better understanding of what is needed to repair your vehicle.
Get references or take a referral from someone who uses this repair shop often enough to trust them. You don’t want to start off the relationship on the wrong foot, but you must protect yourself until you feel comfortable using the repair shop of your choice. Worst case is you can always call a few repair shops for second opinions on the nature of the work, once it has been diagnosed.
Although there are no exact ways to stop fraudulent behavior, the above tips can help ease the anxiety and concern of being taken advantage of.
Big G Auto Repair is one of the top local repair shops in Henderson, NV that comes highly referred by many of it’s current customers. You can always count on Honest and Best Pricing at Big G Auto Repair. If you are in the Henderson and Las Vegas area stop in or call for a second opinion on your repair issue.
Call (702) 564-4302 Today for your next Service Appointment.
Thank you for considering us for your next Vehicle Maintenance Appointment!
Big G Auto Team
George (Big G)